17 February 2008

Sunday Secret

I'm not nervous about you leaving, but I am nervous about your return. I'm afraid the peaceful reality of your absence will erase any fear I have of being alone again.


none said...

Those Franki Valli songs with the high falsetto are really cool I like "Walk like a man" as well.

Christo Gonzales said...

thats poignant....

Dana said...

Hammer, but Frankie Valli wasn't my Sunday Secret *gigglesnort*

DB, sometimes I am taken aback by my secrets - this was one of those times.

buffalodick said...

I have been gathering you haven't been so happy in your marriage lately.. Forgive me, I'm a guy, and I have real trouble sorting out women bitching- or really talking about a real problem...

Dana said...

Buff, let's just say that this is a challenging time in my marriage. Neither of us is ready to throw in the towel, but I think we've both been keeping the towel close by. It's a work in progress.

Jay said...

i'm kinda scared of planes now.
have fun traveling

Jay said...

It's always a pretty significant day when a person realizes he/she is okay with being alone.

buffalodick said...

Whatever transpires, best of my wishes to you.. Work in progress... dear heart, aren't we just all? Keep communicating.. you never know when an answer will pop out!

Anonymous said...

I kinda get that sometimes too!

Schmoop said...

Someitmes, no matter how a feeling of peace is reached, its a blessing. Cheers Dana!!

You can Call me AL said...

You have to be completely content alone before you can be content together.

Dana said...

Jay Cam, it's not me that is getting on the plane, although some days I wish it was!

Jay, I didn't realize just how OK I was with being alone until I experienced the other side.

Buff, the good side of this is that everyone is aware there are some significant issues (those of you with "blended" families know this path) and the work is being done.

Dana said...

SS, funny how it works, isn't it?

Matt-Man, this house was DUE for some peace, and I am certain he will appreciate it just as much as we will.

Al, I couldn't have said it any better!

Anonymous said...

yeah, mine is opposite though, peace all week then wild thing on the weekends.

R.E.H. said...

This could almost be MY Sunday Secret... The One is leaving tomorrow.


captain corky said...

What are you going to do with all of your free time? Maybe go bowling? ;)

Dana said...

SS, maybe I'll get "wild thing" on the return - one can always hope!

R.E.H., tomorrow will likely be a difficult day for you. Know that many of us will be sending good thoughts your way.

Corky, bowling ... yeah ... that's my plan!

Scarlett said...

I hope that you can have some sort of a good time while he is out....and I wish you all the strength you need to sort things out...

Anonymous said...

I wish there was something inciteful I could say, I just wish you all the best and know you will do what is best for you.

Karen said...

Very interesting. I totally get that feeling.

Dana said...

Scarlett, if nothing else, it offers me some time to reflect.

Birdman, you'd be amazed at how insightful random comments can be!

Karen knowing what you've been blogging about lately, I'm not surprised.