14 September 2009

It's True! It's True! Look Who's Two!


Actually two years and two days 'cause I missed my very own blog birthday! I was a little preoccupied with favorites, fat, flab ... and then there was fantasy football ...

Anyway, it all started [HERE]. My first post had five comments, and probably five readers - the same five people who were friends from a mommy list, and bloggers themselves who bullied encouraged me to start my own blog. I left that mommy list long ago, but of those five people, four are FaceBook friends and three still kind of blog.

My first "real live" commentor? Real Live Lesbian!

After 3 months of blogging, I'd managed to lure in come to the attention of Jay and g-man and it kind of blossomed from there.

I look back through my blog posts and see that so much has changed and so much has stayed the same. I look different, I feel different, but I sure keep producing the same results ... which leads me to believe I'm still doing the same things. Hey! I may be slow, but I'm not completely oblivious!

There have been challenges along the way. People who didn't like what I had to say who kept me on my toes and made me rethink my position, and some who were just plain mean and malicious. All have helped me to grow and for that I will always be thankful!

Last year I did this big production for the blogiversary, this year? Meh ...

What I would like to do is a little drawing for anyone who leaves a comment today (remember, you must be willing to give up a mailing address should you win). Kind of my way of bribing you to keep reading saying thank you for keeping me on the straight and narrow, picking me up when I was down and for being (generally) great people!

And no, this isn't an attempt to validate myself through comment numbers. In fact, if you are a lurker who isn't comfortable leaving comments, feel free to send me an email and I'll include you in the drawing. It's just a little way for me to give back to those of you who have given so much to me.

I'll draw one name for every 10 (or portion there of) comments/emails. I'm not going to tell you what the prizes will be because I'd like to personalize them for those who win.

Ready! Set! Go!!!



CrystalChick said...

Hello! I lurk here from time to time.
I don't post every day at my blog. I was doing better with it before Facebook started competing for my time.
I watched a blog video or two here too. I like visuals, lots of pictures, honesty, sense of humor. You have a nice blog. :)

Deech said...

Well Happy Birthday! Now you have me thinking about my own blog!

Way to go! I will tell you that I read your blog everyday. And now my wife does too. Both rarely comment as we would just rather listen than put our two cents in. So moving forward I do hope that you know that there are people listening....

Karen said...

Happy Blogaversary! Congrats. Seems like you have been party my daily life for more than 2 years though! And that is good thing.

Jennybean said...

I am turning over a (re)new(ed) commenting leaf today, starting with you. I always enjoy stopping by and reading your thoughts. Here's to many more years to come!

Pepper said...

Happy anniversary!

Dana said...

CrystalChick, I find lurkers kind of sexy ... like stalkers *wink*

Joker_SATX, go check out your birthday and don't let it sneak past you like I did mine!

Karen, isn't that strange? Sometimes I think two years flew by, other times I think about so many of you who it seems have always been here and I wonder, "Has it only been two years?"

Dana said...

Jennybean, Ha! I did that this morning too ... trying to get back to reading all of those who land in my reader every day and even let them know I've read!

Salt and Pepper, thank you!

Osbasso said...

Happy Blogaversary, Dana!!

Jormengrund said...

Happy Blogaversary Dana.. I can't believe that you turn two this year.. Where does the time go to?

Vixen said...

Happy Blogaversary. Congrats :)

Me said...


Emmy said...

Congratulations on two years, Dana!

Dana said...

Osbasso, I feel so ... so ... young compared to an experienced blogger like you. I think I heard a rumor that you invent HNT, then invented blogging so there would be a platform for it! *wink*

Jormengrund, two years of being the drama queen!

Vixen, Thank you! *smooches*

Dana said...

Marsha, who knew I'd actually stick this out for 619 posts??

Emmy, did you bring beer? Good beer??

Hubman said...

Time flies when you're having fun! Happy blogiversary Dana!!

Jay said...

Happy Blogiversary. You couldn't have been blogging too long before I found you or you found me. I talk to you through twitter and here more than I do most of my family. LOL ;-)

tjames said...

Congratulations on your 2.
I love your blog.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Congrats! I must be having an anniversary too then, because I had just started when I found YOU!

And I'm so glad I did. ;)


found you via one of my followers, and now following you. congrats on your 2 yr blogiversary, and i share your sunday secret with you. i am a married yet single mom too. again, congrats

Tracie said...

Happy Blog-o-versary! I enjoy your blog.

Granny Nanny said...

Grats!! And you are so good at it!!

Caron said...

Happy Two Years!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

Happy Blogoversary! Have a few cocktails this evening to celebrate!

Dangerous Lilly said...

Happy blogiversary? blogoversary? blog-o-versary? Hrm, spellchecker doesn't like any of those, lol.

Oh well. :)

Hey, 5 comments on your first post is pretty good, I read a lot of blogs who have none on their first dozen posts!

Alfro said...

happy 2nd.

I haven't been around for all 2 years, but the time I have been here has been great.

Thanks for sharing.

ooh, and I love surprises.....
just sayin.

Dana said...

Hubman, Ha! I'd love to say it's always been fun, but alas there have been a few times when it was anything but fun!

Jay, I'd been blogging less than 2 months when I found you (I was the stalker this time). I'm pretty sure it was Leighann who "introduced" us! And I definitely talk to you more through blogging and twitter than I do any of my family, but that's a blog post in itself!

tjames, Thank You!

Dana said...

Real Live Lesbian, if you are having an anniversary does that mean you'll be giving away prizes too? After the wedding ... of course ...

SPEAKING FROM THE CRIB, really? Now I'm having second thoughts about the evil follower list! My competitive side made that go away too.

kyslp, Thank You!

Dana said...

Granny Nanny, I've always been good at telling stories - my safety required it as a child!

dsmcaron, Thank you!

Evil Twin's Wife, was I supposed to wait for a special event to have a few cocktails?? Oops!

Dana said...

Lilly, you'd think the silly blogger spell check would find a propper spelling for blogiversary, blogger AND commentor, but has it? Silly people!

Alfro, why haven't you been around for all of those 2 years?? Huh?? Well, at least you're hear now and wishing upon a surprise package!

we're doomed said...

Congratuations. Has it been two years?

Smyles10 said...

Happy Anniversary Dana!! I've been lurking for about a year... i suck at commenting, but I love reading!! Keep on writing, and just know I'm reading - whether I comment or not! :)

Schmoop said...

Keep On Keepin' On, or something...Congrats Dana. Cheers!!

Brian Gardes said...

Happy blogoversary!!! You were my inspiration to start a blog. Only hope that mine can live up to yours in terms of honesty and enjoyment. Keep it up and congratulations!

Bette said...

Keep on doing what you're doing. There is a reason that I read daily!

Jeff B said...

Very cool! As you know, anyone who has kept a blog going for a couple of years has experienced the whole gamut of emotions. Glad you've kept it going, and am looking forward to many more posts.

Jinxo56 said...

Congratulations, Dana. I don't comment much but I read everyday. Thank you for reading my blog.

Aunt Becky said...

Happy Anniversary! I wish that I could say that I have the same readers that I did back then. I probably do, but many of their blogs have died off.


I miss them!

Anonymous said...

Happy Blogiversery!!

I haven't been reading for two years (more like two weeks), but your anniversary is inspirational to me. I hope I can hang in there as long -- especially through the tough stuff, as you have done so elegantly.

Thanks for being here and sharing your life!

Anonymous said...

::chuckling to myself at the variety of ways we all spell "blogiversery."::

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Dana! Wow. Two years. And you have kept at it, too. I take breaks now and then because I would rather put nothing than something boring. I wish I were more creative like you!

Dana said...

we're doomed, what?? It seems like I've been harping on the same stuff FOREVER??

Smyles, I adore my lurkers!

Matt-Man, or "Have a Happy Day"???

Dana said...

garbonzo, and hear I thought I only inspired people to run to the bathroom and throw up *wink* Actually, that is one of the greatest compliments I've ever gotten. Thank you!

Bette, that would be making the assumption that I actually *know* what I'm doing!

Jeff B, I'm wondering if those emotions are cyclic or if I'll be able to handle some of them better next time.

Dana said...

Howard Bagby, Like you, I don't often comment on your blog, but I do read it each time you post. See? I can be a lurker too!

Aunt Becky, or maybe your readers just have the ability to get a life?? Not that mine don't ... but ... you know ...

Dharma, it gets crazy around here some times, but I'm too damn stubborn to quit!

Dana said...

Bina, or you could always go for controversial!