12 September 2007

Virgin Blogging

Life is funny, and the older you get the funnier it gets.

A blog? You've got to be kidding me! People like me don't have blogs. Blogs are for the young, the idealists - those with grandiose dreams and aspirations - those who are far less cynical and pragmatic than I am. I've worked my whole life trying to be invisible - trying not to impact in any way, shape or form the lives of family, friends and even strangers - so why in the world am I entertaining the idea of a blog?

Well, I need a place to sort my thoughts and empty my head at the end of the day. A place where I can bitch, whine and moan without abusing the broad (and tired) shoulders of the few dear friends who know my secrets. A place where I can post the trials, tribulations and the occasional triumphs life sends my way. A place where my feelings aren't judged (at least in real time) and where I can say the things that I am sometimes far too polite (or is that frightened?) to say.

Back in the "olden" days, we had diaries with locks on them and we hid them in messy closets and dresser drawers in hopes that no one would ever find them. Now we've got blogs with passwords and we publish them for the world to read.

Yes, life is funny!


Just your everyday average married momma... said...

I *heart* you
And I wanted to be the first to comment! I'm excited for your blogging attempt and encourage your wit and bitch to come out to play often!!!

Leighann said...

I'm so proud, your first blog!

Meggie Mom Fantastic said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!!!! Now that your cherry has been popped we're waiting for the juicy details :P

Just Me said...

Wonderful first blog. I look forward to reading more. :P

Elisa said...

yay for blogging!

i think it's a nice place to vent :)