It's "I Love My Mac" theme week on HNT. Although I'm sure that if I had one, I would love it, but I don't, so I'm showing a little love to my iPod! It's still an "Apple" ... right?? 
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye."
~ Miss Piggy

What a very lucky iPod!!!
Sweeeeeet Dana. Is that your ass or did you download it onto your iPod? Either way, I love it. Cheers!!
Corky, I like loving the iPod ... it never complains!
Matt-Man, I don't think my ass would fit on the iPod Nano ... it might require the iPod Touch!
Thank-you... Just, thank-you....
Buff, after your comment yesterday I thought I had better get brave ... and trust me ... this took all of the BRAVE I had!
Lucky Ipod. Enjoying itself I'm sure
Have a HHNT and a great weekend
Wow, Lady! You are brave and HOT.
holy bejeezus....I am on my way
As always, such a beautiful shot of you.
Just tell me you were wearing THOSE when you came to see me!
Ipod, Shmipod, I'm all about the Ass..and a damn lovely ass it is ripe fer squeezin'
Most excellent!
MK, once again, thank you! HHNT!
Karen, you know brave and stupid are buddies :)
DB, it'll be a totally nekkin butt in a minute! Time to jump in the shower.
Bliss, you are too kind! HHNT!!
Leighann, I wasn't wearing a darn thing under my jeans the day I visited!
FMD, no ... really ... it's all about the iPod!
Very nice, I like the underwear nearly as much as the Nano
Thats a peach of bum you have there hun
HHNT! Very Sexy, the ipod s very lucky *wink*
Until my "chubbie" subsided, I didn't have enough blood in my brain to ask: "How did you take that photo?"...
YES! Finally the panties.....
I knew this day would come..oops so did I.
undies on the floor... my favorite kind
Nicey, I was thinking that my bum would have looked much smaller had I not had to resort to a nano to compare it to!
Jason, thank you!
Marcellonyc, HHNT! Thanks for stopping by.
Buff, you crack me up! Don't you know? It's magical ... a little fairy dust, a wave of the magic wand ... or maybe just a tripod and a digital camera with a timer. Nothing fancy!
Al, you just never know what I might (or might not) be wearing under my conservativeness!
DB, I kind of like them on the floor too!
Do you think it's creepy that I just kissed my computer screen? That's a damn fine beautiful ass there Dana. I didn't even noticed the iPod for a while. ;-)
Sweet pic!!
I never thought of iPods as sexy before!
I'm gonna bite that apple!
How cute!
Jay, it's only creepy when you lick the computer screen! Did you leave a lip print on my ass?
SS, yes you did ... how dare I doubt you!
Like the lingerie, I could never keep my Ipod there, I'd lose it for sure.
P, as you can see, I've got a bit of a ledge there, handy for an iPod, a beer, whatever!
Sexy Ipod sweet cheeks, HHNT!
Great way to show the iPod some love!
Perfectly placed ;)
Didn't notice the iPod - too busy appreciating the view! Happy HNT.
never doubt.
wow Dana, you're a goddess to me now! what balls of wonder you have to post a close-up of your butt.
then again, if my butt looked that good I'd be posting too.
I assume the iPod was speechless with joy.
and Miss Piggy - bless her heart.
Oooooo, pretty and cute little
I Pod thingy. HHNT.
TK, thank goodness the iPod was sexy *wink*
Bunny, even iPods need a little love!
Vixen, what you can't see is that it was playing U + UR Hand by Pink!
Lapis, next time I'll make the iPod bigger and my butt smaller!
SS, caught me by surprise!
Dianne, you have no idea how difficult that pic was to post, even with the support of a previewer!
Evening, thank you - fot stopping by and for the compliment! HHNT!!
i want to swat your butt really hard. ;)~
Excellent... now I know where to look for your iPod when I want to borrow it! ;)
You just prove my point that women in their 40's are absolutely the hottest.....I happen to be a leg and ass man and therefore I am qualified to give you an 11 on a scale of 1-10
That's a nice place to stick your iPod! ;) Happy HNT. =)
Hot Dam!! Those are some nice panties...oh yeah and nice IPOD. HNT
Jahooni, please do!
R.E.H., it's not a bad place to keep it - in fact it's quite handy!
Bdenied, and here I thought it was all downhill after 30!
Amorous, I kind of liked it there!
Angel, they are comfy too!
luv it! very sexy! happy hnt! ; )
I used to be anti I-pood... with the empasis on "used"...nice SHOT!
Happy HNT. Excellent shot. Sweet subject! And because you would expect nothing less ...
How did I miss this???
Nice Ass!
I smile, thank you!
Doc, wanna play with my iPod??
Nick, thank you!
G-Man, I won't even slap you for saying that! At my age, it's almost as good as being carded.
RD, if you'd come by and visit me on Thursdays you wouldn't miss this kind of thing ;-)
Where are the earphones?? ;)
me likey likey and I can't stop looking at this ....
Wish I was brave enough for HNT, but alas, my mil reads my blog too as well as my aunt on occasion and since it can also be tied to my work blog, not a good idea to be throwing my nakey self out there... however I do have some shots if you'd want me to share to you personally LOL tee hee hee
E, I wondered how long it would take you to sniff out my ass!
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