12 March 2012

My Favorite Stalker


Once upon a time, there was a boy who worked as a grant writer in Milwaukee.

One day, he was reading blogs and saw one on a blogroll called Amid Life's Crises. For shits and grins (or was it out of sheer boredom?) he clicked on the link and started reading.

Well, maybe not reading ... maybe more like looking at the pictures.

He eventually did read the blog from cover to cover, more than once. We all know how difficult it is to look away from a train wreck, right? I'm fairly certain that's what happened here, although he tells a different story.

Eventually, the boy started following the girl on twitter. She had no idea when she reciprocated the follow that the boy stalked her knew her from her blog. Over the next few months, they had a few interactions on twitter. One day the conversation got a little flirtatious and the girl took it to DM.

Now, the girl had done this in the past with fairly consistent results. Public twitter conversation moves to DM. DMs lead to exchanging cell phone numbers - texting is so much easier than DM-ing. Exchanging cell phone numbers leads to the girl learning that the flirtatious DMs are coming from a married (or in a serious relationship) boy. The girl is then reminded that she is not good enough for someone who is actually available to her (Don't even start with me. That is how my brain works!).

This time was different.

The boy was single.

The boy confessed to his stalking prowess.

This should have terrified the girl, yet somehow she was strangely comforted in knowing that the boy knew her secrets, knew her past, knew she wasn't perfect, and still wanted to get to know her personally.

They met and have since celebrated their Plastic Straw Anniversary.

I'd love to tell y'all this story ends with a "And then they lived happily-ever-after," but I don't know that. There are many things that need to be taken care of (like my divorce from Voldemort - a.k.a. "husband" - which I anticipate is going to be ugly). I can tell you the prognosis is promising.

I can also tell you that My Favorite Stalker (Mike) has been a surprise addition to my (and Cam's) life. He treats us both with a level of respect and care we've never known.

Sure, he has his "flaws", like his odd ability to store sports statistics in his long-term memory and spew them at unsuspecting passers-by, but I'll take that "flaw" over Voldemort's demand that he have control over all of the car windows any day.

Ya know what I mean?



I'm With Stupid said...

Mike? I thought Jayman was your favorite stalker. What the hell is going on in the world today? Cheers!!


Chibi said...

Aww! He's cute and you're cute and you're cute together. Love it! You deserve a non-Voldemort, lady.

P.S. Please to be educating me on a plastic straw anniversary. My Google-Fu failed me.

I'm With Stupid said...

He seems like an alright guy. Being a Duke fan should give you reason to be a bit concerned though. hehe ;-)


Mike said...

He has the perfect name.

Dana said...

I'm With Stupid/Matt-Man, well ... Jay found me too boring to stalk and moved on to greener pastures. What's a woman to do??

Chibi, Plastic Straw Anniversary = 3 months ;)

Dana said...

I'm With Stupid/Jay, I don't judge on college sports alignments ... but maybe I should??

Mike, why yes! Yes he does!

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

This made me smile...why? because I love that a friend who deserves someone to make them smile has found one

katherine. said...

stalking as it was meant to be