05 January 2011



Have you ever had to write a bio?

I find it difficult to take myself too seriously. OK ... so my nose grew as I typed that, what's your point??

Trying to write one of those "Graduated from Roosevelt University (Chicago) with a bachelor's degree in ..." bios makes my head explode. All I can hear when I attempt it is "blah-blah-blah I'm better than you blah- blah-blah" And? Well?? We all know that I'm not better than anyone so it seems kind of the wrong thing to do.

I had to write a bio for the Band Back Together editors page, 'cause our Aunt Becky is all formal, by the book and shit about these things.

Band Back Together is a pretty serious site. These stories belong to real people - and often times they've hidden them for years. People talk about abuse, infertility issues, suicide. Heavy burdens that too many people carry. Yes, there is a LIGHT THINGS category, but the bulk of the stories?? Not all glitter farts and rainbow burps.

I was trying to come up with a bio that balanced out the heavy. The sample bio Aunt Becky sent was exactly what I had hoped it would be - silly - so off I went!

Here is my very professional and serious bio, 'cause I'm an editor and shit!

Dana is a single mother and a trained killer, raising a 14-year old, bi-racial son who just happens to be on the autism spectrum. She works full-time as a bean counter but dreams of one day working in her degree field as a paralegal.

The self-proclaimed, over-reacting drama queen (currently in recovery) spews her own dribble on her blog Amid Life’s Crises however she prefers to sprinkle glitter and worship rainbows in the background on BB2G.

Her interests include leading a world crusade encouraging the acceptance of public nudity, vacuum cleaners and memorizing all of the prime numbers. In her spare time she reads every office supply catalog she can get her hands on. Some day she hopes to develop a strange addiction so that she can be a reality TV spectacle and make her family proud!

So which one of you needs a bio written for a professional publication?? I've got experience now and will be more than happy to hook you up. As you can see, I've got a knack for highlighting the most interesting and relevant facts!



Schmoop said...

Rats. I already have a bio. Unfortunately I was instructed by the CIA to never publish it. Cheers Dana!!

Anna said...

Best. Bio. Ever.

Jay said...

Outstanding bio. I can't wait to see you on "My Strange Addiction"

Knight said...

Well done. I have to write bios for gigs all of the time and I always hate it. Something about mentioning the school you went to really bothers me because it seems so irrelevent if you didn't graduate within the last three years.
You need to stop eating the glitter beans you are counting!

Anonymous said...

Great bio! Just enough fact sprinkled in with the fantasy. Your interests are worthy of a Miss America pageant!

Mike said...

Prime numbers? It think Pi would be easier.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

I never knew we shared a love of vacuums...

we're doomed said...

You are a Bio writing genius Dana.

Hubman said...

You know what's even for fun? Having your boss tell you to write your own annual evaluation report and not to be shy about bragging about how great you are.

You might find this hard to believe, but I don't find that very easy to do!

Nice job on the bio!

Evil Twin's Wife said...

I heart Aunt Becky. Love the bio!

Gina said...

I want one!!!

I don't need one, but I want one!

Maggie said...

That's a great bio! Fortunately, the last time I had to write one was for something where I could be a little silly and that was much easier to do.