05 January 2011

HNT - Peering


“Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.”

~ Edgar Allan Poe




Schmoop said...

Damn...Cleavage AND Poe....I like it!! Cheers Dana!!

Vixen said...

Haha....gotta laugh at Matt-Man! I'm with him- cleavage and Poe. Good combo Dana :)

Anonymous said...

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary over many a faint forgotton volume of forgotton lore...
while I nodded nearly napping suddenly there came a tapping as of someone gently rapping rapping at my chamber door..tis some late visitor i muttered this it is and nothing more....

the raven is my favorite and I had to memorize it and recite it in the 8th grade I still remember it. You rock for posting that and the picture is stunning...

Osbasso said...

I'm looking forward to the next 51!
With or without Poe. :-)

Mike said...

I see what Osbasso is saying but does this count as one or two?

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Cleveage + glasses = HAWT!

Happy HNT. I'm up too.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Matt-Man - you cannot go far wrong with cleavage and Poe. Very nice indeed!
LGS xx

Anonymous said...

Great to see you back with a HNT. Showing us your intellect and your assets as well! On My!

Maggie said...

It makes my heart smile that so many people appreciate Poe! And we all seem to agree on appreciating your cleavage as well. ;)

Domino The Weirdo King said...

I found my happy place.

Deech said...

Smokin HAWT! This Joker Likes!

Knight said...

And there we ALL stood peering.

Jay said...


Lusting Lola! said...

Yes, I think you can do it!
Here's to 51 more weeks of HNT fun!! :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...


Emmy said...

Great angle for that shot! While I like the cleavage, I notice your eyes the most. And nice black sheet too. :)

The poe quote is one of my favorites.
Happy HNT!

Another Suburban Mom said...

Quote is awesome, but the picture is very sexy!

desert rat said...

Very artistic. Love it! Is that a tattoo peeking out?