27 January 2013

High School Memories - PART I

*NOTE* I intended this post to be a single post update, but as I started writing,
it became clear that it was going to be far too long for any of you to actually read to the end,
not that any of you will now, but I thought I'd attempt to increase the probability.


It's amazing what can happen in 2 weeks - just how deep of a hole people who claim to have my son's best educational interests in mind can dig - and how help can come from unexpected places.

The last time I wrote about Cam's educational struggles, we were in a bit of a holding pattern. The IEP team had agreed to allow me 8 days to research the four placement options they felt were appropriate.

The meeting did reconvene with a "modified" IEP team - the Local Education Agency Representative (LEA), the Education Services Generalist for Teaching and Learning, Mike, and me. My advocate did not make the meeting, nor did she alert me to the fact that she would not be attending the meeting.

I have since "fired" her - not specifically for this incident, but for her pattern of not being dependable, nor aggressive, in advocating.

Anyway, the meeting was short and ... well? Sour.

I was presented with the four original placement options (Cam's home high school not being one of those), but was allowed to briefly present why I thought he should remain at his home high school. I was then told the other team members not present at the meeting had given "non-verbal agreement" that placement at his home high school was not appropriate.

I requested some additional changes to the verbiage of the IEP as it did not reflect current performance, data included in the IEP regarding past performance was inaccurate, and wording used in the IEP was geared towards a predetermined placement outside of his home high school. I was told that I was presented with a draft IEP on January 4th, that I had plenty of time to review and present any proposed changes at the meeting on January 7th,  that the team had made some changes to the verbiage of the IEP at that January 7th meeting, and that the team would not consider discussing any remaining concerns I have with the  verbiage of the IEP.

And then they changed Cam's placement to the District Alternative High School (the self contained program for students with emotional and behavior disorders, and special education students who have been expelled).

I checked the "I do not agree ..." box, asked for a copy of the Procedural Safeguards for Parents/Guardians of Students With Disabilities, wrote a follow-up email summarizing the meeting that I promptly sent to everyone I thought mattered, and found the number for the Illinois State Board of Education so that I could request mediation.

Within 24-hours, I received an email response from the Assistant Superintendent for Education Services offering up a resolution meeting with the IEP team and the Director of Compliance Education Services present.

I accepted the offer and yet another IEP meeting was scheduled.

January 22nd


Mike said...

The State Board of Education getting involved is a good thing for now. Hope has raised it's head again.

Dana said...

Mike, at this point, the State Board of Education is still not involved. I postponed the phone call because we agreed to the resolution meeting.

Anonymous said...

So far the education administration is driving the bus, fight for the wheel. As you are aware, they decide first then write everything skewed to deliver the result they want. By law, they give you a voice by "including you" in the process but it remains, the decision is already been made. Now I've known folks who have hired lawyers and managed to wrestle the wheel away from the school administrators.

Dana said...

Anonymous, I am prepared to wrestle. I'll be damned if the administration is going to push Cam out of a school that is more than able to educate him.

I'm With Stupid said...

I'm so glad I don't have kids. If I did I would home school them rather than deal with the public education system.

Well, I say I would. That's assuming it would be feasible.
