22 March 2011

What Comes After 999?


I don't often celebrate these kinds of things - a blog is narcissistic enough without tooting your horn over every perceived monumental blog moment.

But? 1000 posts really is an achievement. In the 3+ years I've been out here, I've seen a LOT of blogs come, go, go private, be deleted, come back reinvented and go stagnant (and I wish they'd delete the fuckers because stagnant blogs are taking up some good names).

If I count the guest posts I've done over at Real Live Lesbian, the Project 365 blog and tumblr (which I am convinced is NOT really a blog but twitter on steroids) I'm probably closer to 1500 posts. Now that's a lot of wasted time!

Anyway, I want to thank all of you ... yes ... even you! Oh, and let's not forget YOU! Although I put the drivel out here, you all reflect it back at me. It is your input - your comments - your trollish and stalking ways, that have helped me be a better person.

I was chatting with a friend last night who, at one point said (it was close to this - I wish I had saved the chat), "I see you how you are. Not through the lens of your experiences."

I had a moment - a moment where it became clear that I most closely identify with my failures. I am three failed marriages. I am Alan's suicide. I am the reason my father is an alcoholic. That is how I see myself when I look through the lens of my experiences.

He reminded me that is not who I am. Yes, I have experienced those things, they have shaped me in good and bad ways, but I am not those things. I am so much more than those things.

I think there are a few of you out there who have been trying to tell me this for years - it finally sunk in.

Thank you! Seriously ... for helping me find myself Amid Life's Crises! Yeah ... that was corny, but kind of clever, no? Wait! Don't answer that!



Jana A said...

Congrats on 1000! And for being YOU...

Knight said...

I fully believe in blog therapy and yeah, it's about time you heard what we've all been telling you for years!
Congrats on 1000 and thanks for being here! You know I'm obsessed with you. Have been for years.

Jay said...

Happy 1000th Danalicious!

Deech said...

Congrats on your 1000th! Hugs to you Chica!

Mike said...

1000, a nice round number. Now go for adding another zero to that.

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

That you are here still, with the crap you have taken for being honest on YOUR blog...not someone elses blog, YOURS...I think is wonderful. This has always been a place I knew I could come to hear the real deal...if if I disagreed at times.

HAPPY 1,000 Ms Dana

Alfro said...


I knew you'd figure it out.

Greg (Accessible Hunter) said...

1000 is great, hope to read many more!

Schmoop said...

Your next post is going to set your OCD on fire since it will be post 1,001. Cheers Dana!!

Nolens Volens said...

I'm coming up on 3 years. I've gone stagnant, become active, and once again stagnant. You deserve a medal for tenacity. I came across you and immediately liked how clever your blog title was. Kept coming back. Says something about you. ;)

Gina said...

Congrats on your posts. And I didn't think that was corny but I am always corny so, yeah. Love your blog. :)

Another Suburban Mom said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post. That is quite an achievement!

However I do have to quibble on you being the cause of your dad becoming an alcholic. Even if you had been the perfect, petitie straight a student, captain of the cheerleading squad, volunteering as a candy striper girl, your dad probably still would have been an alcoholic.