07 March 2011

No Longer Cynical, Now He's Every Day!


I don't do birthday shout-outs on my blog. I just don't. I can't remember everyone (contrary to popular belief, I'm not one of those "set an Outlook reminder" people) and inevitably someone gets their panties/boxers in a bunch and the hate mail ensues!

But ...

I just cannot let this day go by without acknowledging Jay's birthday.

See? I kind of use Jay, and he deserves a day on my blog in repayment.

He's my personal social media wiki. He lets me know when I screw up by RT-ing someone I unfollowed, and he is my go-to guy for critical questions like, "Just how far back can I go in my twitter time line without presenting a disjointed social media response?"

And he makes me laugh ...

And he keeps me honest ...

And he doesn't let me get away with my bullshit unchecked ...

He's been a great friend, and some day (i.e. when Redneckville finally opens a liquor store) I'm going to head south and give him his own personal lap dance as a belated birthday gift.


Didn't he say something about hemorrhoids in his birthday post? Maybe I'll just ship him a case of Preparation H ... or Tucks (by far the WORST name for a hemorrhoid treatment product).

Maybe the lap dance was a bad idea.



Wine~Gurl said...

Happy Birthday Jay.. Dana this was to I wont say cute cause you would not like it, it was from the heart!

I think I will head to Redneckville with you when you are ready to go!! Can you Say ROADTRIP!!!!!!


Schmoop said...

He's okay. Cheers Dana!!

Jay said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes babe! This was sweet. ;-)

Mike said...

I don't think Jay would ever complain about being used by a female.

we're doomed said...

Lap dances are never a mistake. LOL

Lu' said...

I adore the Viking...

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

he does rock and I have met him...but I did not give him a lap dance