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(Sunday Stealing) |
- Be truthful, even when lying is easier and makes you look better
- Be thoughtful
- Make me feel special
- Take out the trash without being asked
- Love me even when I'm not lovable
2. Something you feel strongly about
Just one thing? Hmmmm ... social injustice and systemic racism. Fine, that's two things, but they are related so that makes them one in my rule book.3. A book you love
Between The World And Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates. Funny story about this book. Mike bought two copies when it was released in July 2015. The plan was that we would read the book together, kind of like our own little book club. Although it sounds romantic, it never happened. I just recently picked the book up again and am loving it. That said? This isn't an easy read, but it is an insightful read.4. Five pet peeves
- Chewing with your mouth open
- People who are chronically late
- People who snap their chewing gum
- Saying “literally” when what is meant is not literal
- Saying "[insert time] PM in the evening" or "[insert time] AM in the morning"
5. What you ate today
- Coffee (yes, coffee is food!)
- Two prepackaged bacon and spinach salads (lunch and dinner)
- Tempura shrimp
- A Cracker Barrel cheese dip and pretzels snack pack
- Vodka (and yes, Vodka is also food!)
6. How important do you think education is?
I think being educated to the high school graduate level is extremely important, but beyond that? Move to as many places as you can. Experience all that you can. Make yourself uncomfortable. Push your boundaries. In my opinion, these things are far more valuable than a college education.7. Five people you find attractive
- James Smith (LL Cool J)
- Serena Williams
- George Clooney
- Dana Owens (Queen Latifah)
- Will Smith
Thank goodness I'm writing this on Saturday since Saturday is usually the only day that I wear anything other than "baller" shorts and a tank top sans bra. Today I wore a sundress!9. Something you always think “what if” about
GAHHHHH! I hate what if's! I can easily get stuck (and sometimes do) in what if's and then I stop living in the now. So, rather than focus on the answer to this question, I'm going to remind myself that life isn't like writing code - it isn't an if--> then statement. If a what if actually happened, it might negate a good thing that happened in my life, and that would suck. That's my story and I'm sticking with it!10. Something you’re proud of
I have answered this question so many times on this blog I'm not sure I have anything unique left to be proud of. Let's see ... I'm proud of my accepting attitude and my willingness to advocate for the underdog. That's kind of a corny answer, but? It's what you're going to get!11. Five items you lust after
- Financial security
- Unconditional love
- Unlimited ability to travel
- A lifelong (what's left of it anyway) romantic relationship
- A lifetime supply of Grey Goose Vodka - look, I needed to lighten this up a little bit
12. Five words/phrases that make you laugh
- Mollycoddle
- Snollygoster
- Hemidemisemiquaver
- Discombobulate
- Kerfuffle
13. A quote you try to live by
I'm not a fan (understatement) of "traditional" inspirational quotes. I find them to be ... I don't know ... trite? But this quote? I can get behind this quote.14. Something you like and dislike about yourself.
The something I dislike about myself list is long, and that is probably the one thing that I dislike most about myself - my lack of self-acceptance. Something I like about myself?? Hmmmm ... my ability to overcome some significant challenges in life and knowing that I have the skill set to continue to do so.
15. A problem that you have had
I'm not sure how to answer this prompt. I mean, life if jam-packed with problems daily. Some of them are minor, like how am I going to manage my work day, and once-in-a-while you get a doozy, like how am I going to wrap up the affairs of my deceased dad. I don't know - life isn't about the problems, it's about being able to address the problems in a way that doesn't make them worse.
I really enjoyed your insightful answers!
You gave this some thought, my dear
I sympathize with your list of fears.
Life is trite, a time of taxes
Aren't you glad we no longer get faxes?
That's not quite a Hallmark greeting, but I took a stab at it. :-)
I enjoyed your answers and getting to know you a little bit. What the heck does snollygoster mean???
Love all of your answers! May you get all of them - or at least the endless supply of vodka! :)
Vodka is liquid potatoey goodness, Or is it badness?
But, to get truly high on math, or is that meth...you must smoke it at Uni.
I thought I'd left a comment. I guess I didn't. This has me totally discombobulated.
Kwizgiver, I'm not so sure about insightful, but they were honest answers!
CountryDew, That may have been the most AWESOME comment ever!
Stacy, Thank you! I miss the good old blogger days, and yesterday was a fun day!
Emmy, Right??? Priorities are important!!
Zippi Kit, Vodka should count as a vegetable, right??
Mike, You need to get recombobulated.
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