21 June 2018

10 Things Thursday

  1. *sings* ♫♬Ohhhh Canada♫♬ If you haven't heard, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau set an official date for making cannabis legal countrywide. What do you suppose the chances are that Trump will do the same here in the U.S.? Yeah ... I'd go with slim to none ...
  2. I thought the sex-blogger had all but died, but in visiting the blogs of many of those who comment on my TMI Tuesday posts, it appears I made an erroneous assumption. The sex blogger is alive and well!!
  3. For some reason I found this way too amusing ...
  4. According to CNN, IQ scores are falling and have been for decades. Pfffttt ... who needs a study to figure that out. The good news? The study indicates this isn't due to dumb people having more kids than smart people. Anyway I think that's good news???
  5. I stumbled upon Johnny Lists (now defunct) blog not too long ago. Every post is a list of something. Although there haven't been any new posts since 2016, the archives are kind of fun to browse.
  6. I got to meet the internet yesterday! I've known Jana for at least 8 years. We first met when we were both worked on the Band Back Together project years ago and have stayed in touch through other social media platforms over the years. She happened to be visiting Las Vegas with her husband and we met up for some shenanigans. There is nothing much better than meeting the internet!
  7. I have lived my entire life believing that I have a significant allergy to penicillin. Then I read this article and learned that I'm probably not allergic to penicillin. Too bad the allergy test is so expensive. I wouldn't mind being able to add the penicillin family back into my antibiotic options.
  8. Did you know that nearly 63% of Instagram users report being miserable? According to this study, that is a higher share than any other social media platform. *NOTE TO SELF* Stay off Instagram!
  9. Do any of you have $1.2 Million you'd like to gift to me?? I've always been a HUGE Frank Lloyd Write worshiper fan and this house is for sale!!!
  10. I recently learned about the Blink Roadside Assistance app. I do have AAA currently, but I'm wondering if this isn't a better (i.e. more economical) option.

1 comment:

Mike said...

Interesting article on penicillin. I too have been checking the allergy box all my life.