20 February 2018

TMI Tuesday | I Need My Space

1. Do you think that fate or destiny play a role in love?
a. Absolutely
b. For the most part
c. Somewhat
d. Not really
e. Not at all
(a) Absolutely! Not that there isn't deliberate action required for long-term love, but there is a whole bunch of randomness that needs to fall into place as well.
2. True or False – If my sexual likes and dislikes are not in line with my partners, I change them.
True? False? I am more likely to suppress my sexual likes if they aren't in line with my partner's. My dislikes? I'm not sure I've found those boundaries yet.
3. You and your partner are at a party. Both of you are equally acquainted with the hosts and the other people attending, although you aren’t the best of pals with any of the guests, you have conversed with them on a few occasions. During the socializing, what would you most likely do?
a. I’d stay glued to my partner’s side, conversing with the same people he/she is.
b. I’d be away from my partner, mingling with the other guests.
c. I’d stay near my partner, but involved in different conversations.
d. I spend some time by my partner’s side, and some time mingling.
e. I let my partner drift or stick by me – as she/he wishes.
(a) I’d stay glued to my partner’s side, conversing with the same people he/she is. I'd also wonder what the hell I was doing at a party that required socializing! 
4. Have you ever gone through your partner’s journal, diary or personal letters?
a. Yes – I‘ve read it/them from A to Z.
b. Yes – I’ve read some of it/them.
c. I know where she/he keeps them but I haven’t read any.
d. I know where she/he keeps them – I couldn’t help but look – but I haven’t read any.
e. No – I don’t know where she/he keeps them, and I have no intention of looking.
f. No – I don’t know she/he keeps them, even though I’ve looked.
Up until recently, (e) No – I don’t know where she/he keeps them, and I have no intention of looking would have been my answer. I would like (e) to be my answer if/when I'm ever in another relationship. Unfortunately, I fell into (b) Yes – I’ve read some of it/them at the end of my relationship with Mike, and although I don't feel good about that, it was information that I needed so as not to believe all of the negativity that was spewed my direction.
5. Have you ever had a romantic partner go through your journal, diary, personal letters or text messages without your permission? How did you feel? What did you do?
Honestly? I don't know. I've certainly had a romantic partner read my blog, which is kind of like a diary (except public), but I have no idea if a romantic partner has gone through any of my personal stuff. When I'm in a relationship I don't do things that need to be hidden, so it really wouldn't matter to me *shrugs*
Bonus:  What makes you feel loved?
Honesty. Respect. Acceptance. Thoughtfulness. 

1 comment:

Mike said...

I like your 3A answer. I can hold out for a little while but not for long.