26 August 2012

Stream of Consciousness Sunday: Letting Go


What do you do for a Sunday post when you've run out of secrets? You find something else to challenge you, like a 5 minute Stream of Consciousness post.


Stream of Consciousness - I've never written one


Because I cannot imagine writing without spell-check - without editing - without reading, re-reading, then publishing and re-reading again to insure what I've written is what I really want to say.

Stream of conciousness writting requires I relinquish control - go with my gut. For someone who over-thinks everything from the brand of ketchup I purchase to how much reminding, cajoling, and bribing I should expose my son to when it comes to completing his homework, not thinking is a challenge.

I wonder - often - how those who see to just go-with-the-flow manage that attitude. How can they manage to make decisions without hours (or months, depending on the size of the decision) of contemplation and information gathering. Wait! That would be overthinking things, wouldn't it?



jana said...

I LOVE THIS! You truly did a stream of consciousness about writing a stream of consciousness post! Yay!!

Mike said...

Spell check doesn't do me any good when I use the wrong words spelled correctly.