28 October 2013

Unfinished Business - Part I

I have a habit of starting blog posts when I'm experiencing a moment of passion (intellectual passion, you perverts), but then never quite getting around to writing out the post. My DRAFT folder has a lot of unfinished business.

Over the next few weeks, I'll be sharing with you the posts from 2013 that were started, but never finished.

School Is Not For Boys

This was the start of a "How did we let society swing so far that it's become okay for girls/females to emasculate boys?" post. Schools - especially - have become completely boy unfriendly, from kindergarten through high school.
Then I thought ... I've got 7 months of this left. Is it worth expressing my outrage? Does anyone really care? Or will this post just turn into a place for the disgruntled ones to tell me that schools are not the problem, my kid is the problem?
Some days I feel it's important to give this issue a voice. Other days I'm so damn tired of fighting a bureaucracy that I will never be able to change that I just say "Fuck it! Let the parents of kindergartners figure it out!"
I don't know which stance is right, but if you are interested in reading some of the articles I had planned to use as references, here are the links:
From PBS Parents - Raising Boys
From The Atlantic - Stop Penalizing Boys for Not Being Able to Sit Still at School
From Time Magazine - School Has Become Too Hostile to Boys


I'm With Stupid said...

School is very much hostile to boys.


Mike said...

'..you perverts..'

You say that like it's a bad thing.